HAVE A GOOD VACATIONThe plan is to get up at 4:30am so I can drive Lucas to Midway. He's catching an early flight to Manchester to go skiing or something. We don't run into any issues like waking up late, crazy traffic, or bad directions. I drop my (new) roommate off at the departures gate and I likewise depart. I am approximately 45 yards from getting back on the highway when my phone rings. Like usual, I think to myself "it's 6am this better be a hot chick." Nope, it's Lucas:
"Hey dude, I need you to turn around and pick me up."
"Why? What happened?"
"I'll tell you when you get here. Just come pick me up at the departures gate."
"okay, bye."
I pick up this bloke expecting him to explain in full detail the meaning behind the escapade. It goes like this: "blah blah blah my flight is 6:45
PM not am." Great.
Okay so it wasn't all bad. I got free krsipy kreme out of it. Oh and don't mock the box...8 seconds is really all you need for a microwaved treat that will fill your heart and stomach with warmth.
OH, i'm the only one home this weekend so come over to party. okay bye.