Tuesday, September 25, 2007

New Lunch Menu

Ok, so here is my lunch plan as long as it doesn't get too boring:

Tues - Jimmy John's #2 w/ cheese [suck it Subway], chips, FOTW
Wed - Salad [Panera], french roll, FOTW
Thurs - Bowl of Soup, cheese stick, crackers, FOTW
Friday - Burger
Sat, Sun, Mon - free-for-all

FOTW = fruit of the week. Since fresh food goes bad pretty quickly in our house, you can only buy a few of one kind and eat it over the week.

All lunches served with WATER! [except burger day]

Dinner is a much less consistent meal for me, so I doubt I'll ever make a plan.

I know it's boring, but it's my life. [+10 points for guessing that movie]