Wednesday, October 24, 2007

The Must-See-Movie of the year!

This morning I got a call in the office that I was sure was a telemarketing call but turned out to be something unexpected. The woman on the other line asked was asking for the 'pastor-in-charge' kind of pastor and since that person was not available, I was the next best thing. Then she went on to explain that the new, animated "Ten Commandments" motion picture basically flopped it's opening weekend and they [whoever they are] are looking for people to show more support - I suppose the idea is to build a new bible study or sermon series around this new movie in hopes to bring the actual 10 commandments back into focus for churches at the same time boosting profits for whoever made this movie. Anywhooooo, this was our conversation after she explained the need.

Me: So you are saying that the movie did really poorly in the box office?

Her: Yes it was released last friday and did not do very good in the theater [she pronounced it theeeee-ate-her]. That's why we're trying to get some more support...

*I cut her off b/c I couldn't wait to say this*

Me: Well is the movie good?

Her: Yes it's really good.

Me: Have you seen it?

Her: Yes, i mean it's an animated know, kind of like clay-mation.

Me: Ok how good is another movie that you could compare it to in terms of how good it is.

Her: Well you know it's animated, but not like a cartoon so it's good for older kids too....and I can't...well I don't think I've ever seen another movie quite like it to compare it to.

Me: Hmm, well I've never even heard of it - why do you think it did so bad?

Her: Well on the TV and the radio which is our best way to market the movie they had to pull the ads because they had the word 'God' in them so we lost a lot of advertising that way. So is there like an email address or something I can send you all our information about how to support blah blah blah

Then she went on to tell me that there are something like 10 religious movies from this same production company slotted to make it to theeeeeeaters, but if this one ends up being a total flop those movies will never see the light of day.

So she at least got my curiosity going and I looked up the movie trailer and all I can say is: RIP-OFF!!!! [Prince of Egypt?!?!] Oh that and the fact that the animation looks worse than veggie-tales makes me even less [if less than zero is actually less] likely to see this movie.


OUR NEXT SERMON SERIES: The TEN Commandments [and a really bad movie that we don't really recommend but since we can't wait for the the 8th installment 'RUTH' we're going to throw money at it anyway].

here's the trailer in case you are like me and didn't know: