GPS - locate user's current position and fastest route to any known location in the US.
Yellow Lab - one of the most popular dogs used to train as "seeing-eye" dogs to help disabled people navigate public areas effectively and safely.
Verdict: TIE
GPS - wide screen, mp3 player, picture viewer, am/fm radio, text-to-speech, turn by turn directions.
Yellow Lab - Male or Female
Verdict: GPS
Coolness factor:
GPS - most likely to get the employees at Best Buy to talk to me.
Yellow Lab - most likely to get the cute girls at the park walking their dogs to talk to me.
Verdict: Yellow Lab
GPS - anywhere from 200 to 700 american dollars.
Yellow Lab - ~600 american dollars to purchase. Does not include, food, vet visits, chew toys, stuff it's not supposed to chew on but does anyway, new carpet, etc...
Verdict: GPS
GPS - American English Jill [TTS] is capable of reading directions, street names, and locations accurately. Also notifies me when I have "reached destination."
Yellow Lab - man's best friend.
Verdict: TIE
GPS - cannot leave in the car b/c someone will likely break in and steal it.
Yellow Lab - cannot leave in the car b/c someone will likely freak out, report me, and have the dog taken away from me.
Verdict: TIE
So there you have it. Clearly, the GPS was the better choice.