Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fact: Twitter Is Something You Should Try

Some of you have no doubt heard of and use Twitter.  It is similar to the 'status' part of Facebook and in-fact, I imagine the new Facebook layout is a response to the growing popularity of Twitter.  But enough about that.

I am fairly new to Twitter and I still don't really understand how it all works.  For example: I'm unsure how people get the 'tinyurl' thing to work, and I also don't really get the whole @username way of referring to someone else who uses Twitter.  Lastly, I don't have twitter hooked up to my phone so that I get endless text messages telling me what my distant friends are doing (I'm pretty much ok with that).  But the REAL reason you might be interested in Twitter is this: CELEBRITIES.  It seems like Twitter is gaining in momentum due to the fact that hollywood stars are getting on it and posting their everyday thoughts, activities, and favorite links.  Seeing as how our pop culture loves to worship its celebrities, how can they resist.

I'm not really into celebrities.  I enjoy the work they do in the entertainment I enjoy, but you won't find me reading the latest celeb-gossip magazine or watching TMZ (had to ask the secretary for the name).  But on Twitter its different: you don't read articles and interviews by attention starved columnists and journalists, you read the random thoughts of the attention starved celebrities!  I must admit, the most interesting Twit that I follow is none other than Rainn Wilson (he plays Dwight on The Office).  @rainnwilson I suppose is how I should refer to him.  

Anyway, if you use Twitter or want to check it out you can find me as: tyhuze   I'm not a celebrity, but I might be your friend.  It would be nice to have more people to follow :)  ....well, maybe.