Monday, April 06, 2009

5 Things That Taste Way Better Out of a Can

1. Mountain Dew
I'm not getting into the glass bottle* argument.  Mountain Dew is awesome.  My friend lucas refers to it as the nectar of the gods.  It tastes great, goes down w/o the bite of a cola, and will give you energy w/o being one of those crazy "energy" drinks.  It's one of the only sodas you can drink flat and still be ok w/ it.  If you drink it from the can, this is your experience.  If you drink it from the plastic bottle, its just gross.  Too syrupy.  Too sugary.  Too fizzy.  About 1/2 way through the bottle you'll begin to second guess your decision to get it, and if you go the full way you definitely are going to be a little turned off to soda for at least a full day.

2. Applesauce
The cheaper the brand, the better.  I don't know how to explain it, but out the can this stuff just blows my mind.  If you get like a popular brand that's "chunky" and has "real apple" in it, get ready for disappointment.  If i wanted all that realness then i'd just eat an apple (which I wouldn't do b/c of a mild allergy).  This is sauce's supposed to be runny and share very little resemblance to the fruit from whence it came.

3. Green Beans
I've never been the biggest fan of fresh vegetables, and probably the epitome of this preference comes by way of the green bean.  There's not much else I can say besides, a microwave and a pinch of salt are all you need to enjoy this popular "green."  Stay away from "French cut" though...bleh.

4. Chewing Tobacco
Ha!  just kidding.  I wouldn't know.  But on a side note: remember that beef jerky in a can.  awesome.

5. Tomato Soup
Most soup from a can just tastes a little off.  Like the potatoes don't seem real, or the meat has no flavor, or something.  Not tomato soup.  It is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.  I don't know if I've ever tried a different tomato soup (not in the can) probably because who would go through the trouble.  What's the point.  The canned tomato soup is perfect, no room for improvement.  Ok, so technically I had to have at least tried non-canned tomato soup for this item to be on the list, but I quickly ran out of ideas. :\