Thursday, March 12, 2009

Exerpts From The Lutheran Handbook

How to survive for one hour in an un-air-conditioned church:*

Step 1: Plan ahead - get there early to scout out the sanctuary for seats near fans or open windows.  Try to avoid sitting in the sun, and bring a bottle of water for everyone in your group.

Step 2: Maintain your distance from others -  Humans put off about as much heat as a 75-watt light bulb.  The front row will likely be empty and available.

Step 3: Remain still - Fidgeting will only make your heat index rise.

Step 4: Think cool thoughts (like what would have to happen for the Cubs to win the World Series)**.

Step 5: Dress for survival - wear only cool, breathable fabrics

Step 6: Avoid acolyte or choir robes when possible.

Step 7: Pray.  Jesus survived on prayer in the desert for 40 days.  Lifting and extending your arms in an open prayer position may help cool your body by dispersing excess heat.  If you've been perspiring, though, avoid exposing others to your personal odor.

Be Aware:
Carry a personal fan - or use your bulletin as a subsitute
Worship services scheduled for one hour sometimes will run long.  Plan ahead.

*This is legitimate.  While digging through some old curriculum in our office basement I dug up a handful of these Lutheran handbooks.  Much hilarity ensued.  Check back for more!

**in parenthesis is mine.