Thursday, March 05, 2009

The Radio Dilema

When I'm driving to work in the morning I like to listen to the radio. It always seems more interesting when there is a talk show on. The problem is that I can never decide which one to stick with. Here are my options:

1. The Drex Morning Show on Kiss FM
Why I like it:
Drex is flat out entertaining. His over the top personality just makes you want to listen to him. Whether you agree with their bull**** liberal views or not you have to give them credit for taking on serious issues along with the silly stuff. They are rarely disrespectful to each other or the callers and that's cool.

Why I can't listen to it:
The music that normally plays on this station is horrid, so if they take a break to play a song, I turn. The last thing I want is to start my day off w/ some terrible song by Beyonce or w/e. Also the content of the show often reminds me of how depraved pop culture is and I can easily get distressed by the often overwhelming lack of moral value.

2. The Eric and Kathy Show on the Mix
Why I like it:
Eric and Kathy are upbeat, polite, and funny. Eric especially is very quick witted and is able to keep a topic or conversation flowing quickly. They actually are a perfect team and the topics they explore are almost always light-hearted and fun. Excellent content, excellent entertainers. So how could it go wrong?

Why I can't listen to it:
Eric and Kathy are usually pretty brief. The show is lengthy enough, but their talking segments are always over very quickly (at least during the times that I'm on). I WANT to listen to the talk show and when they cut to a song I always feel rushed. The music is hit or miss, but the real issue is that I enjoy the talking so the music seems like a let-down.

3. The Air-1 Morning Show
Why I like it:
I usually head over here after hearing a bit of especially despairing material from the Drex Show. The Air-1 station is about the only "family friendly" station that I can tolerate. They do more music than anything else, so if I'm in the mood for some morning uplifting tunes, I go here.

Why I can't listen to it:
The actual talk portion of the morning show is horrible. As I've come to expect from Christian radio DJs the hosts are annoyingly energetic or sympathetic about every.single.thing. They often report hilarious news stories via Sean Copeland (not a DJ) who only seems to report news and weather. Yesterday they had a great story about a woman in FLA who called 911 3 times because her local McDonald's didn't have chicken nuggets!! hahahaha!!! It was kind of thing that seems ruin-proof until the DJs decide to comment and my hand is reaching for the dial.

Got a favorite radio talk-show? Maybe you could point me to a winner.